Prefers Dunkin Donuts
that is what i said to those evil krispy kreme donuts tonight at the grocery store.
they continued to beckon me.... eeeeeeeeat meeeee...... eeeeeeeeeat meeeeeeee .
they persisted in their call to me... relentless and soooo alluring.
Prefers Dunkin Donuts
as jw dubs, we were sure we would live forever.
when we left the organization, probably we all started to accept that paradise wouldn't be around the corner, and that we would probably die like everyone else around us.. how do you deal with the fact that you will one day die?
I've thought a lot about death because I really don't want to live with so many aches/pains and other things that have come with my getting older. I'm just friggen tired.
But on the light side of it all...I really do believe that I've lived a full and productive life, short as it is, so when my time comes I'd hope to go with a smile and no regret. So basically guess I'm ok because I don't delude myself that I'm living forever. Thank goodness!
A friend and I both say it would be our misfortune to live into our 90's, wearing adult diapers...just because we are so ornery.
ok the 2004 jw service report is out / due out soon but so what?
i gather it will show an increase of just 2% worldwide with many of the developed countries showing zero or practically zero growth.
what a waste of all the time, effort and money putting into the "preaching work".
It would seem that religion and politics are alive and well - even when children are not.
How many countries practice birthcontrol and/or use protection of any sort...
How many countries worship their political leaders that keep them in ignorance and poverty...
And the children always get the raw end of the deal, eh.
Granny, "too pissed at the moment" class
i had a run in with a witness and it took me along time to get over it, i still don't talk to that witness.
some of the witnesses i know are two faced and it makes it hard not to feel aggresive when i go to the meetings, i sit there and think what am i doing here but i feel better when i leave so that is why i suppose i still go, it makes me feel good even though i feel there alot of stuck up attitudes when some feel they are more spiritual than others.
it feels like such a struggle to go there but yet i really want to be there.
I've been out for so long, but surely remember as a kid that feeling of dread.
Sometimes we can think we feel better for doing what is so routine...simply because it's so familiar, but not necessarily what is needed.
With my experience in AA many years ago I got to the point that my time was better spent doing personal reading/writing/ anything that helped develope self-esteem, rather than sitting in a group that began sounding all too JW like. Judgement and better-than attitude.
I've sat in many different type groups and found that basically they are all alike in their judgement of anyone not agreeing with their agenda, so found other ways of spending my time that affirmed me.
i was at the grocery today and on my way out i found a watchtower tape, dated july 1, 2002. i took it.
mrs jones
Your suggestion was the greatest
granny, of 3 little tape rippers.
my mom sent me an email saying that she'd like to slap my sister silly for the way she(sister) has treated her (mom) all these years.. my sister was never baptised and successfully did the fade by moving to another state - so my mom can have whatever type of relationship she wants with her - based on jw dogma.
but my sister can't stand our mom -- basically because she's crazy, mistreated us, and shuns me -- and my sister won't speak to her.
my mom has never met my sister's kids because of the whole thing.
I have no advice, just wanted too acknowledge with a, "I hear ya."
The disgust runs so deep for that filthy religion...and grown people that think their children owe them. Especially after all the abuse - be it physical or not.
In Feb of 03' I had had enough of 'thinking' that perhaps this upcoming reunion of sorts with my JW mom and sister would be nice...until I ran into that one sister, and she was the same old robotic yada yada that is convinced I've never been anything other than an "apostate." Hee hee
At that point I wrote my older sister a letter telling her not to bring mother to my home - that I was totally finished with Jw's, period. My life has been fine all these years without them, and too invite them back into my life was inviting future heartache because they do not change.
Like Pink, if those people ever truly want a healthy relationship with me...what you see is what you get.
Therefore, we have no contact because I'm not about to change for them. Never. I don't care about their neurosis because I've dealt with my own and don't need their's. So much bullcrap, really, imho when trying to have a relationship with crazy people.
I'm glad too read that other's take a stand, refusing too be treated as a second-class citizen.
This shunning thing can really suck at times.
we talk it to death.
every subject.
is it really of any benefit to you to let it out here?
Hi, Tammy.
I stopped going onto any such sites when I began having nightmares all over about the JWs. Too many years "out" for me to rehash all of their evil bullcrap ways - knowing I would never return.
But, I have gleaned much info about things I'd never have bothered with in the past...UN, pedophile, continued shunning; along with learning that there are many other's that are existing the ranks. And that's wonderful news.
Sometimes I even think I can offer an encouraging word...
Sometimes I just read for sake of reading...
And sometimes I don't have the interest for hearing about that religion at all, so I don't come aboard.
I'd like to see an end to cult like religions, but that probably won't happen. At least in my life time.
Heck, sometimes I need a break from the daily druggery of housework, laundry, paperwork, etc...and just come hangout here for sake of developing a sense of belonging with those who do understand.
And when I'm really getting too uptight with life...I stay far away from politics, too. Religion/politics - the two things that can really get me riled.
Love ya, Tammy.
take care, granny
this is what the garbage men left behind today.
the dude comes in a truck and presses a button to lift the bin and empty into the truck.
everytime he does all this crap is left over from spilling out of the bin.. apparently, the city worker doesn't even have to get out of his cushy seat to put excess into the garbage truck.
Yeapers, I'd be ticked off too.
Living in a trailer park UGH has proven interesting. First experience as such, and hope a last one.
So, garbage.
When new off-site managers took over, I would write a letter to not only them, but the owners - enclosing the pics. they say, pictures are worth a thousand words. But, I also have to sometimes keep on top of piss poor management that in turn hires some of the laziest help. How in hell do these so-called professionals really keep a steady cliental is beyond me.
I LOVVVVVVVVE writing letters to those "in charge." They really are such idiots that think, probably really don't care because it's not their neighborhood, do they really think everyone living in a "trailer park" is some sort of riff raff, drug dealing skum that couldn't care less about their answer necessary.
For shi$ sake, I had too suggest they request an additional 3rd trash bin in hopes of eliminating some of the, on the ground garbage, because there are a lot of people with kids around here. Who gets paid for making some basic decision for what might help...sure wasn't me.
Granny, of the "'Ive stopped picking up other peoples' trash" and call management that is getting paid to clean this area up.
its funny that when i imagine what other posters look like - i alway imagine them as attractive, fit, well groomed, with bright, shiny happy faces.
i never see them as obese, nerdy, or with greasy hair and warts and pimples.
their noses are never too big - no body has a "comb-over.
{sighs} I'm one of the shorty's on board. Overweight, and slower too get up off the floor. Actually, it's harder getting down on the floor...{no pun intended}, so I'm just an old granny after all.
i'm new to this.
i want some ideas.
thank you.......
Grampy made each grandchild a homemade wooden toy/craft and we'll put one extra item into the package that accompanies said toy, so no real expense there.
Actually I had been going through a slight depression because of the "no money" for the holiday, when I remembered it's not about going out to the store and purchasing something that we simply cannot afford. It's the Spirit of Love and all that stuff that we celebrate, and with that attitude it's been an eye opener in seeing just how many I was able to wrap last night. {gratitude, perhaps}
With only one grown child, and three grandchildren, they get everything after our demise anyhow, so I've been going through ALLLLL of this "stuff" that's been lugged around for years and making gifts out of it.
I'm giving my son my grandmother's wooden cigar box that is in excellent condition. That makes it my grandchildren's great-great grandmother's....damn, that sounds old! Anyhow, I went through a lot of old pictures and put them into the box with a couple of old items of my grandmother's...that's it for him.
Other than a rather inexpensive DVD player for the family. And I really don't feel bad not having money this season, I feel GOOD because we just don't need the additional credit card hangover for having celebrated the miracle of family/friends.
Like another poster mentioned, we sorta have Christmas all year long because we spoil the grandchildren in exchange for that warm fuzzy feeling one get from, "there is more happiness in giving then receiving." And with little one's it's easy to spend anytime.
So, if your wondering about 'budget', we don't have one. Overall guess we spent, maybe, $60.00 for any extra's. Wow. No wonder I handle the checkbook...I'm good!
We're doing open house on Christmas if anyone wants to drop in for a bit of turkey with all the trimmings. All food compliments of the food bank my husband volunteers at. Now, how do you not have gratitude, eh.
Granny, of the "I can't wait" class. HO HO HO